City Council is asking the citizens of Delaware in November to decide how we will fund a tax increase. That's right, not IF, but HOW. This increase was firmly voted down in March by a resounding 63% of the people in Delaware. 5,073 Against and only 3,035 For the increase. The people have clearly spoken but City Council didn't hear. Your City Council is back - not asking for approval - City Council is asking how they will take the money from us. What part of NO does Delaware City Council not understand? Never the less, this November City Council will get what they couldn't get in March to spend on "…much needed road repairs…" Was the city not budgeting properly to maintain our streets? Where did the money go that was budgeted for these repairs? Why is City Council not looking at other sources for this needed funding? City officials have said that they have cut spending as deeply as they can go without losing much needed staff while providing a sizeable raise to a retiring City Manager? When will the developers begin to pay the costs that are passed onto the city for the profitable developments they are building? Who is paying for the damage to the roads made by the constant construction traffic using the roads city taxpayers are now being forced to pay to repair? How many TIF's have taken money from the city budget in favor of helping developers by not requiring them to pay for roads that lead into developments they are building? Our city is under attack by greedy developers who will not pay for infrastructure needed to support these areas. Why isn't City Council demanding that developers pay for these roads instead of taking the money from the "much needed" road maintenance by passing TIF's? Why do the already over-taxed citizens of Delaware always end up holding the bag for poor city planning and management? City Council is dividing the citizens of Delaware between those who work in the city and those who work outside the city. Either way you vote this November someone is going to pay. It's time we tell City Council that No means NO! After this election we will have the opportunity next year to replace 3 of the current members of council including the Mayor, Vice Mayor and one At-Large seat with responsible members who are putting Delaware citizens first. We need to let City Council know that we are not happy that they chose not to listen to the voters in March and remove them from office.
We have the choice to eliminate the Tax Credit or Increase the Income Tax. In my opinion it is easier to repeal the elimination of a tax credit than it is to reduce taxes.